Our Ingredients

Shari-Sushi Rice

Sushi rice stands as the cornerstone of quality sushi. No matter how meticulously one procures and prepares seafood, if the rice is subpar, the integrity of the sushi is compromised. With years in the industry and extensive research, I've come to recognize the unparalleled value of using superior rice. It is with pride that we serve sushi rice sourced from a dedicated small farmer in Gero City, Gifu, Japan. Our chosen rice, known as "Inochi No Ichi" from the esteemed brand Ryu no Hitomi, or "Dragon Pupil", is cultivated in Japan's distinct four-season climate. This rice not only meets our stringent standards but is also free of agricultural chemicals and organic that is grown in Japan, freshly polished in New York.

In comparison to other renowned varieties, such as the well-known Koshihikari, our rice boasts grains 1.5 times larger. When cooked, it offers a rich sweetness, excellent stickiness, and a potent aroma, culminating in a unique taste experience. This rice is not only limited in supply but has also been awarded numerous Grand Prix gold medals in Japan."

You can find more info here: http://ryunohitomi.com/

Akazu - Red Sushi Vinegar

Aka-zu is a critical component of edomae sushi, it is typically aged for 3-5 years. It brings a deep, flavorful & refreshing taste full of umami to sushi rice.  
We source two kinds of akazu, one of them called Edo-Tannen, Edo Tannen vinegar is a sushi vinegar with a rich flavor based on red vinegar, a strong red vinegar made from long-term aged domestic sake lees that have been carefully prepared, a red vinegar seasoned vinegar with the moderate scent that has sufficient flavor, richness, and richness. (The other akazu, due to the very very limited supplement, and by recommendation only, our vendor from Japan doesn’t want us to name it .)


We take pride in sourcing 90% of our fish directly from Toyosu Japan, thanks to our personal relationships with our trusted vendors. The fish we receive is treated with the utmost care and respect, using the traditional Ike-jime and Shinkei-jime techniques. These age-old Japanese methods ensure the humane dispatch of the fish immediately upon catch. Specifically, Ike-jime targets the fish's brain, while Shinkei-jime addresses the spinal cord. This process ensures the fish meets a swift end, preserving the pristine quality of its meat.